Twitter is Buying Newsletter Provider Revue

Twitter's purchase of Revue would help accelerate investment into products to better serve customers, Revue said in a tweet.


Matt Rourke/Associated Press

Twitter Inc.

TWTR -0.46%

has reached a deal to buy newsletter platform Revue Holding BV, the companies said Tuesday, reflecting the interest among social-media companies in providing content creators with tools to make money.

Financial terms of the deal for Revue, a startup founded in the Netherlands in 2015, weren't disclosed.

"Revue will accelerate our work to help people stay informed about their interests while giving all types of writers a way to monetize their audience–whether it's through the one they built at a publication, their website, on Twitter, or elsewhere," said Twitter's product chief,

Kayvon Beykpour,

and vice president of publisher products,

Mike Park,

in a blog post.

Revue said in a tweet that Twitter's purchase of the company would help accelerate investment into products to better serve customers.

Write to Bowdeya Tweh at

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